Wendy Broke Down the Moves

I’ve been religiously doing my Physio and Pilates exercises for decades to address upper back and neck problems. I felt I wasn’t making any progress and, as a soon – to-be-retiree who is fairly active and spends a great deal of time in the mountains, I was feeling pretty discouraged.

That is until I met Wendy at Urban Athlete.

When Wendy developed my program, many of the exercises were the ones I’ve already been doing but clearly not properly. Wendy broke them down and explained all the different moves within exercise, and then videotaped them so I have a clear understanding of what I am doing, and can refer back to the videos to review her instructions.

I really feel that Wendy changed the game for me. I’m very happy to have had the opportunity to work with Wendy and can’t wait to keep learning more from her.

  • Vivian