Fat Loss

You Say Diet, I Say Lifestyle Change

Here are some common eating patterns that people tend to follow. For each of these scenarios, I will give you a way to adjust your lifestyle instead of choosing a yo-yo diet! Here goes nothing. Do you spend the day skipping breakfast, missing almost every meal; you end up fasting all day because your workload

You Say Diet, I Say Lifestyle Change Read More »

Is Your Workout Routine Really Serving You?

I see it every day in my line of work. Those consistent, dedicated gym-goers. They have set days, time and routine that they follow week after week. For those of you who are reading this and thinking, isn’t this type of routine exactly what fitness professionals want people to adopt in order to maintain their fitness

Is Your Workout Routine Really Serving You? Read More »

Top 5 Ways You Eat Too Much & Strategies To Help

Each day you make a hundred decisions about food! Overeating can be greatly reduced simply by removing the cues in your environment that cause you to overeat. Here are some strategies that may help: 1. The Meal Stuffer: At mealtime you really stuff yourself. You clean everything off your plate, eat quickly and often go back

Top 5 Ways You Eat Too Much & Strategies To Help Read More »