
Butterless Butter Chicken

Enjoy this recipe from personal trainer, Brad Taylor, who also has years of professional cooking experience; bon appétit! Butterless Butter ChickenIngredients:6 chicken breasts4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil1 yellow onion4 tbsp minced garlic2 tbsp mined ginger1.5 tbsp curry powder1 tbsp chili powder2 tsp paprika2 tsp garam masala1/2 tsp Himalayan salt1/3 cup chicken stock1 can coconut milkDirections1.

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You Say Diet, I Say Lifestyle Change

Here are some common eating patterns that people tend to follow. For each of these scenarios, I will give you a way to adjust your lifestyle instead of choosing a yo-yo diet! Here goes nothing. Do you spend the day skipping breakfast, missing almost every meal; you end up fasting all day because your workload

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